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Content-based image retrieval

20 minutes ago    By:cumtwyc      View:143      Download:14

Based on image content retrieval, can run oneself add picture...

Matlab Matlab

MATLAB image processing codes

7 minutes ago    By:yueqiaohuayuan      View:554      Download:23

MATLAB language image processing, such as images of open, heavy, close, vertical mirror image, horizontal image, gray scale, and color histogram equalization, image enhancement, smoothing and sharpening, plus noise, such as salt and pepper noise Gaussian noise, multiplicative noise, Poisson noise, e...

Matlab Matlab

Perspective projection, posted on Billboard Lena

55 minutes ago    By:njwhat      View:3486      Download:0

MATLAB training program (perspective projection, posted on the Billboard Lena) this exercise program is inspired by the laowai blog, I feel very interesting, try it. He is using OpenCV, I used MATLAB. Perspective projection has written in the past, it was used to make slant correction, this time als...

Image Processing Matlab

Paper Figure 4 simulation, you can run

54 minutes ago    By:dongfangqu      View:12323      Download:2

Paper< heterogeneous cellular networks with flexible cell of Association:a comprehensive downlink sinr analysis> Figure 4 simulation, you can run it, program is described in a heterogeneous cellular network, the network layer, low power base stations density and power bias on the network effec...

Matlab Matlab

Identification of Diabetic Retinopathy Stages using Digital Fundus Images using Imaging

9 minutes ago    By:miss raneem      View:27      Download:2

Diabetic-related eye disease is a major cause of preventable blindness in the world. It is a complication of diabetes which can also affect various parts of the body. When the small blood vessels have a high level of glucose in the retina, the vision will be blurred and can cause blindness eventu...

Matlab Matlab

Optical flow method for optical flow

1 hours ago    By:wxlucky      View:58      Download:4

You can also run the demo program estimate_flow_demo.m and follow it to try differentmethods and parameter setting....

Matlab Matlab

Kalman filter and its application

2 hours ago    By:yoyo      View:157      Download:3

This toolbox supports filtering, smoothing and parameter estimation (using EM) for Linear Dynamical Systems. Functions:1. kalman_filter 2. kalman_smoother - implements the RTS equations 3. learn_kalman - finds maximum likelihood estimates of the parameters using EM 4. sample_lds - generate ra...

Matlab Matlab


2014-11-19 05:43    By:loverr      View:9      Download:1

SOM-BASED TIME SERIES PREDICTION Training Time Series Testing Time Series Local Linear Mapping (LLM) Vector-Quantized Temporal Associative Memory (VQTAM) Global RBF (GRBF, download here) and Local RBF (KRBF) Local AR predictors using data vectors (LARD) Local AR predictors using weigth vector...

matlab Matlab

SLAM using matlab for mobile robot

2 hours ago    By:redfires      View:87      Download:3

MATLAB toolbox professor Salvi third party SLAM provides: Matlab Toolbox of Kalman Filtering applied to Simultaneous Localization and Mapping Vehicle moving in 1D, 2D and 3D...

Image Processing Matlab

Optical Flow using Matlab

2 hours ago    By:hesha      View:93      Download:3

opticalFlow = vision.OpticalFlow returns an optical flow System object, opticalFlow. This object estimates the direction and speed of object motion from one image to another or from one video frame to another. opticalFlow = vision.OpticalFlow(Name,Value) returns an optical flow...

Matlab Matlab

fundus image processing

3 hours ago    By:rajasekar      View:28      Download:2

this project is used to identify the macula in the fundus image .for that we have an fundus image and it is loaded to program and it is converted to rgb to gray and then it is applied with morphological processing. after that this output helps in getting optical disk in the fundus image.then the out...

Image Processing Matlab

Maneuvering target tracking based on Kalman filter MATLAB programs

4 hours ago    By:kingl7777      View:58      Download:1

This is maneuvering target tracking based on Kalman filter MATLAB programs The source code. Welcome to download and try. Thank you all for your support!...

Matlab Matlab

Firefly algorithm for TSP problem Matlab code

1 hours ago    By:消失的地平线      View:351      Download:20

This code is the recent intelligent swarm algorithm for TSP problem, Firefly algorithm with fast convergence features of rapid convergence to the optimal solution, and the Firefly algorithm for discretization to adapt to solve TSP problem....

Computer Cluster Matlab

Intelligent algorithm for case program, you can run

1 hours ago    By:zhx78312      View:31      Download:1

A total of 30 includes intelligent algorithms of the file source file, related to: genetic algorithms, neural networks, fish, particle swarm algorithms, Ant Colony algorithms, quantum algorithms, optimization immune algorithm, simulated annealing algorithm. Program notes detail....

Matlab Matlab

Texture segmentation program

4 hours ago    By:heimei_100      View:38      Download:1

Texture rendering, texture segmentation, in this case, first obtain images of different parts of the texture, and then use the entropyfilt,stdfilt,rangefilt three different filter functions for image filtering...

Matlab Matlab

MATLAB solve 5 kinds of business problems (Mtsp) program

1 hours ago    By:xcf020825      View:107      Download:8

Using genetic algorithms to solve based on MATLAB 5 multiple business problems (MTSP) code is divided into the following categories: 1. from a different starting point back to the starting point (traveling salesman a fixed amount) 2. from a different starting point back to the start (t...

Matlab Matlab

Kalman filter MATLAB code

4 hours ago    By:c345184329lin      View:72      Download:2

MATLAB code Kalman filtering target tracking....

Algorithm Matlab

Particle Swarm Optimization algorithm for nonlinear function optimization algorithm-extremal optimization

1 hours ago    By:njwhat      View:52645      Download:0

Application of Particle Swarm Optimization algorithm for extreme nonlinear function, and gives the results of the analysis, particle swarm optimization algorithm to obtain the optimal value close to the actual optimal value function, show that the algorithm has strong function extreme optimization c...

Matlab Matlab


25 minutes ago    By:panpan      View:117      Download:0


Matlab Matlab

Tsai classic to shadow edge retention

7 hours ago    By:romawhite      View:68      Download:4

A comparative study on shadow compensation of color aerial images in invariant color models 2006 Tsai classical shadow removal methods   Color space transformation (HSI); Shadow early segmentation; Shape (edge) reserved; Shading compensation, to complete the final shadow segmentation.  Pro...

Image Processing Matlab
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